133 research outputs found


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    Hypertension is a common public health problem. Uncontrolled hypertension can lead to degenerative diseases, such as congestive heart failure, kidney failure, and vascular disease. Althoug not curable, prevention and appropriate treatment can reduce the incidence of hypertension and accompanying diseases. The study aims to determine the effect of celery juice (Apium graveolens) on systolic blood pressure of Wistar rat ( Rattus Strain) with NaCl-induced hypertention. The study was a true experimental study with pre – post tes with control design.The study enrolled 18 Rattus Wistar strain devided into tree groups were experiment 1 (6 rats), experiment group 2 (6 rats) and control group (6 rats). Sampling technisque used random sampling. Celery juice in experimental animals given twice daily at 10:00 and 15:00 for two weeks. In treatmet group 1 celery juice given 0.009 gram/grams of weight, in treatment group 2 given 0.0225 grams/ grams of weight, while control group given distilled water ad libium. Data were analyzed by one – way ANOVA test. This study found a decrease in mean of systolic blood pressure in treatment group 1 and 2 in the first and second week (post- test) after administration of celery juice, whereas in the control group tended to increase. Conclusion: there is a decrease effect of systolic blood pressure to Rattus strain Wistar with hypertension NaCl – induced given celery juice. Keyword: celery juice, hypertension, Wistar strain rattus

    Kegiatan Posyandu Penyakit Tidak Menular (PTM) – DM terhadap Kepatuhan Pengelolaan DM di Rumah pada Penyandang DM Tipe II

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    WHO estimates that global prevalence of type II diabetes will increase from 171 million in 2000 to 366 million in 2030, and Indonesia was ranked fourth (Soegondo , 2007) . According to records at the health center Gamping II that the number of people with diabetes in the working area in 2014 there were about 400 people , average visit of 106 people for blood sugar control with most of the blood sugar levels while above normal ( > 200 mg / dl ) . Government efforts that have been made to combat the disease is to provide services at the hospital level and community health centers. Services close to the people is needed to sensitize them to conduct disease management at home as well so that complications can be delayed or prevented . The aim of this study was to determine the effect of Posyandu PTM - DM compliance diabetes management at home with the type II diabetes patient.This study was a quasi experimental design with pre test - posttest design with control group The number of samples in this study were 64 respondents were divided into two group 32 respondents as a treatment group and 32 respondents as a comparison group . Consecutive sampling is used as technic sampling. Analysis of data using Mc Nemar and Chi square test . In the treatment group, compliance management of diabetes at home before the activity at Posyandu PTM - DM obedient and after activity obedient were 18 respondents , before the activities at Posyandu PTM - DM obedient and activity at Posyandu PTM - DM not obedient were 2 respondents , before and after the activity at Posyandu PTM - DM is not obedient were 10 respondents , before activity at Posyandu PTM – DM not obedient and after activities obedient were 2 respondents. Mc Nemar test results Ξ± 0.039 ( p < 0.05) . Respondents with compliance management of diabetes at home after PTM - DM Posyandu activities adhere to the treatment group there were 28 respondents and a comparison group of 20 respondents . Respondents with compliance after Posyandu activities PTM - DM does not adhere to the treatment group there were 4 respondents , 12 respondents comparison group . Chi square test results Ξ± 0.021 ( p < 0.05 ). Posyandu PTM - DM affect the compliance of diabetes management at home in the type II diabetes patient


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    Rogomulyo Village and Mukiran Village have a strong desire to provide adequate information and data services. These two villages have many activities and information that are regularly published in the community. Currently, both villages still use paper media and village announcement boards for updating village information. Both villages felt the need to have a website that specifically introduced the village, its potential, and programs owned by the village government and published activities that the village had carried out. To develop village government websites, the Villages of Rogomulyo and Mukiran have problems related to the limited ability of village officials to develop websites and update any information on the web. Digital media use is limited to the use of text messages on messenger applications. For this reason, the two villages need assistance for village website development. Therefore, in this community service activity (PkM), assistance was provided to the two villages in developing the village government website. The approach used in this PkM activity is Participatory Technology Development (PTD). PTD consists of five stages, namely relationship, diagnosis, planning and design, implementation and evaluation, dissemination, and consolidation. All activities are carried out in a participatory manner, where the main actor for each activity is village government officials. Website development is carried out directly by the village government information technology staff accompanied by a service team. The results of the activity are prototypes of the Rogamulyo and Mukiran village government websites that are ready to be published


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    Salah satu pengalaman luar biasa bagi mahasiswa kependidikan adalah mempraktikkan langsung ilmu yang telah diperoleh di semester 1 hingga semester 6 memalui Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL). Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) telah dilaksanakan di SMA NEGERI 1 SEDAYU sejak 15 Juli sampai dengan 15 September 2016 yang beralamatkan di Jalan Kemusuk Km 1, Argomulyo, Sedayu, Bantul. Kegiatan PPL yang telah berlangsung selama dua bulan dimulai dengan observasi sekolah, perencanaan program, konsultasi program kepada pihak sekolah dan DPL dan pelaksanaan program yang direncanakan. Kegiatan PPL yang dilakukan meliputi tahap persiapan, praktik mengajar, dan pelaksanaan. Selama praktik mengajar, mahasiswa program studi Pendidikan Ekonomi, diberi kesempatan oleh guru pembimbing untuk mengajar kelas X MIPA 3 dan X MIPA 5 dengan harapan mahasiswa memiliki pengalaman mengajar masingmasing kelas yang memiliki karakter yang berbeda, sehingga pengalaman dan wawasan semakin luas. Pelaksanaan praktik mengajar diambil dari jadwal guru pembimbing, dengan jadwal dan alokasi waktu jam pelajaran guru mata pelajaran Ekonomi. Selama praktik mengajar, tentunya mahasiswa memperoleh pengalaman yang luar biasa mulai dari mengenal karakter siswa satu per satu, mengelola kelas, menghadapi problem dalam pembelajaran dan juga menuangkan apa yang diperoleh selama perkuliahan selama 6 semester. Program PPL selain sebagai wahana untuk pelatihan dan pembelajaran bagi mahasiswa, juga menjadi usaha Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta untuk turut berkontribusi dalam mentransformasikan nilai-nilai kependidikan kepada sekolah tersebut. Harapannya, bukan hanya transfer of knowledge yang diberikan mahasiswa, tetapi juga transfer of value. Keberadaan mahasiswa PPL UNY 2016 diharapkan dapat membuat perubahan-perubahan sebagai upaya memajukan pendidikan Indonesia

    Perancangan dan Implementasi Dashboard Keuangan Persekutuan Joy Indonesia dengan Metode User Centered Design

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    JOY Indonesia Fellowship is a non-profit organization based in the city of Yogyakarta. The JOY Indonesia Fellowship is engaged in Christian and Catholic student services whose members are university students and college students in Yogyakarta. The finances of the JOY Indonesia Fellowship are fully supported by the alumni of this organization themselves and supporters from Korea. Financial management is fully carried out by management staff. Until now, financial management is still using excel and reporting is still in the form of PDF files which are usually published on the fellowship website at the beginning of every month. This makes alumni and supporters not know important information such as which funds are more prioritized to support or which funds have not reached the budget target. The purpose of this study is to develop a web-based dashboard with a user-centered design (UCD) method that helps the management staff of the JOY Indonesia Fellowship in managing financial data and makes it easier for alumni and supporters to monitor the fellowship's finances. This study resulted in a financial dashboard for the JOY partnership. The development process using the UCD method is carried out in two iterations. The dashboard test involved fifteen respondents consisting of five staff respondents and ten alumni respondents. The test results show that the dashboard is effectively used to present financial information to support the board in managing the organization's finances.Persekutuan JOY Indonesia adalah sebuah organisasi non-profit yang&nbsp; berada di kota Yogyakarta. Persekutuan JOY Indonesia bergerak di bidang pelayanan mahasiswa kristen dan katolik yang anggotanya merupakan mahasiswa dan mahasiswi kampus-kampus di Yogyakarta. Sumber keuangan Persekutuan JOY Indonesia sepenuhnya didukung oleh alumni organisasi ini sendiri dan donor pendukung dari Korea. Pengelolaan keuangan sepenuhnya dikerjakan oleh staf manajemen. Saat ini pengelolaan keuangan masih menggunakan excel dan pelaporan masih berbentuk file PDF yang biasa dipublikasikan pada website persekutuan tersebut setiap awal bulan. Hal tersebut membuat para alumni dan pendukung tidak mengetahui informasi penting seperti dana mana yang lebih prioritas untuk didukung atau dana mana yang belum mencapai target anggaran. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan sebuah dashboard berbasis web dengan metode User Centered Design (UCD) yang membantu staf manajemen Persekutuan JOY Indonesia dalam pengelolaan data keuangan dan mempermudah alumni dan pendukung memonitoring keuangan persekutuan tersebut. Penelitian ini menghasilan sebuah dashboard keuangan untuk persekutuan JOY. Proses pengembangan dengan metode UCD dilakukan dalam dua iterasi. Pengujian dashboard melibatkan lima belas responden yang terdiri dari lima responden yang staf&nbsp; dan sepuluh responden alumni. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa dashboard efektif digunakan untuk menyajikan informasi keuangan untuk mendukung pengurus dalam pengelolaan keuangan organisasi

    The Diversity Of Fish Species In Inland Water Of Kampung (Village) Nasem In Merauke District

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    Wetland or stagnant swamp refers to an ecosystem of inland water that is vulnerable to population decline. Kampung Nasem in Merauke has quite promising fish resources. This research aimed to determine the diversity of fish species found in Kampung Nasem of Merauke. The fish sampling was performed for three months, from September to November 2017 at three research stations by functioning digital camera, ruler and manual as tools for documentation, while tool for fishing used gill net in the size of 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3 and 4 inches; casting nets and scoop net. Fish found in the field were preserved with 10% formalin for identification purpose in the laboratory. The observed biological parameters were species richness, diversity index (H’), evenness index (E) and dominance index (C). The research finding obtained 15 fish species richness coprising 11 native fish species and 5 introduced fish species. The value of H’ was classified into moderate while the uniformity value was high, hence the fish were spread evenly in each research site and no species was found with domination. In addition, the Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and Glass (Agrammus ambassadors) were species to have sufficient widespread distribution and numerous presence of presentation within the three research stations.Lahan basah atau rawa menggenang merupakan ekosistem perairan umum daratan yang rentan terhadap penurunan populasi. Kampung Nasem di Merauke memiliki sumberdaya ikan yang cukup menjanjikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keragaman jenis ikan yang ditemukan di Kampung Nasem Merauke. Pengambilan&nbsp; sampel ikan dilakukans selama tiga bulan yaitu September - November tahun 2017 pada tiga stasiun penelitian. Kamera digital, mistar dan buku panduan digunakan sebagai alat untuk dokumentasi, sedangkan alat untuk menangkap ikan digunakan jaring insang ukuran 1, 1,5, 2, 2,5, 3 dan 4 inchi; jala lempar dan seser.&nbsp; Ikan yang temukan dilapangan di awetkan dengan formalin 10% untuk keperluan identifikasi di laboratorium. Parameter biologi yang diamati adalah kekayaan jenis, indeks keragaman (H’), indeks kemerataan (E) dan indeks dominansi (C). Hasil penelitian diperoleh kekayaan jenis ikan berjumlah 15 jenis yang terdiri dari 11 jenis ikan asli dan 5 jenis ikan introduksi. Nilai H’ tergolong sedang, sedangkan nilai keseragaman tergolong tinggi sehingga ikan tersebar merata disetiap lokasi penelitian dan tidak ditemukan jenis yang mendominasi. Spesies yang memiliki penyebaran cukup luas dan presentasi kehadirannya cukup banyak di ke tiga stasiun penelitian adalah ikan nila (Oreochromis niloticus) &nbsp;dan kaca (Ambassis agrammus). &nbsp

    Design of Automatic User Identification Framework in Crowdsourcing Requirements Engineering : User Mapping and System Architecture

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    The requirement elicitation is the initial stage of requirement engineering where information collected from users. The process are significantly determined by the quality and quantity of information collected. The crowdsourcing is a method of information gathering from many users. The number and variety of users in the crowdsourcing are both advantages and challenges in the elicitation process. This study purposes a framework for user identification that consists of user mapping and architecture system. The identification process consists of 8 main states, start with defining context, user target and scope determination, data source determination, user data collection, data pre-processing, feature selection, data classification and user identification. The results of this study is an initial state for development of an automated tool for user identification to elicit requirement through crowdsourcing. By the framework can be generated the user classification, which can be used to apply the appropriate method for gathering information in elicitation process

    Faktor Risiko Early Childhood Caries pada Anak UsiaPrasekolah di PAUD Kenanga 17 Kelurahan Penjaringan, Kecamatan Penjaringan, Jakarta Utara

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    Dental caries is a multifactorial disease that can affect all levels of society. There are several factors that take part ini caries initiation. Caries risk factors in children are related to age, gender, use of bottles, tooth brushing frequency, the role of the mother, and parental education. The purpose of this studywas to find out factors related to the cause of early childhood caries experienced by preschool children at PAUD Kenanga 17 Kelurahan Penjaringan, Kecamatan Penjaringan, North Jakarta. An observational analytical methods with cross sectional approach was used in this study. Subject in this study consisted of 20 children as a total sample of the population. Data collection was carried out using questionnaires and def-t index was employed for dental examination. Data processing and statistical analysis using chi-square test were applied with a significance value of p 0.05. The results showed significant correlation between age (p value 0.001) and gander (p value 0.047) andearly childhood caries.hawever, no correlation was observed betwen the use of bottle (p value = 0.909), frequency of tooth brushing (p value 1.00), role of mother (p value 1.00), and parental education (p value = 0.798) and early childhood caries
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